Report a notifiable disease

Use this service in the Yorkshire and Humber region to:

  • report a suspected case of a notifiable disease
  • continue or manage existing notifications

You can use this service if you are:

Before you start

Check which diseases are notifiable by law.

You'll need to know the:

  • suspected disease and when symptoms started
  • registered medical practitioner's contact details
  • patient consultation date and location
  • patient's current address
  • patient's details
  • contact information for the patient, or their parent or guardian if they are under 18

You'll also be asked for the patient's:

  • NHS number, if known
  • ethnicity, if known
  • overseas travel, if relevant
  • occupation, if relevant

Start now
Sign in using an or UK Health Security Agency email address

When to report

Clinical staff should report any suspected case of a disease that may
present significant risk to human health.

Warning Do not wait for laboratory confirmation of the disease. By law, registered medical practitioners must report any clinical suspicion of a notifiable disease.

Report as soon as possible, or within:

  • 3 days, for routine cases
  • 24 hours, for urgent cases

What is an urgent case?

The case may be urgent if:

  • it's part of a current outbreak
  • the suspected disease is uncommon in the UK
  • the suspected disease spreads easily, or its spread is hard to control
  • the patient is high risk, for example because of their age or job
If you are not sure, treat the case as urgent.

You must telephone your local health protection team if you're reporting:

Why you should report

Reporting suspected cases of infectious diseases protects public health.

Health Protection Teams use the information you provide to manage outbreaks and prevent further infections, for example by:

  • carrying out contact tracing
  • sending additional diagnostic test kits
  • identifying disease trends and risks

You can provide confidential patient information without consent under Regulation 3 of The Health Service (Control of Patient Information) Regulations 2002.

Other ways to report

This service is only for reporting notifiable diseases in England.

If you're in another UK country, contact:

If you cannot use this online service, use the Notification of Infectious Disease form . Send the completed form to your local Health Protection
by email or by post.